Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19th

I was suppose to blog this last night but I fell asleep. So let's pretend it's yesterday for this post.

Today after breakfast we headed out to The small town of Manzini just outside of Mbabane, where we are staying for church. Driving up to the Christian Family Centre, children would stand at the side of the road singing, dancing and waving at the buses. Everyone here seems so happy. I've never met more people that smile and treat you as if you were family.

Once the service started, the whole room was singing, dancing and praising. Women were weapong with joy and the pastor had a great joy in his heart that just illuminated him. One of the younger men on the trip was prophetcized (sp?) i think everyone on the trip was moved. We recorded the service but it's to long to upload.

After leaving church we headed out to the Project Canaan site. Ian Maxwell spoke about the project, you can learn more at It was an amazing plot of land. In Swaziland only 30% of the land us for sale the rest is owned by the king.

Monday we head to Emmanuel to work with the kids. There should be plenty of photos and stories.

- Shannon

1 comment:

  1. wow. sounds like the people r wonderful and the town is so happy u guys r there... i would've loved to be there for the service. sounds like it was so inspiring and a cool cultural experience. thanks for all ur pics. good job! ...oh i think the words u were looking for was the young guy (on ur team?) was either "prophesied over" (someone spoke stuff over him) or "he prophesied"(spoke something out himself). that's awesome. sounds like God showed up :o)
