Saturday, July 18, 2009

Gearing up...

Sawubona! Hello!

Today we had a wonderful breakfast and devotional this morning. Glen and Corey were fantastic. It's up on the YouTube page to the right if you want to listen to a song. Sorry in advance for the shakey hands. After breakfast we headed out to the wild life reserve for a game drive. We were all very surprised to see how close we actually got to the animals. We found a lion feeding, about 11 white rinos, elephants and eventually got out of the jeeps to see some giraffes.

Now that the teams all here we are set to start our work. Tommirrow we will be heading to the project Canaan site, which is in the process of being constucted. Project Canaan will be 2500 acres of land with clean water wells as well as agricultural resources for the community and income. We will also be headed to church tomorrow. Not sure where exactly yet, but check back for more news and pictures as the trip progresses.

Sala Kahle! Goodbye and stay well!



  1. My Skype name is AppleCoreChris. Unless you have WiFi you can't use the Skype to Skype. I added credits to my account so I can call your hotel. I don't know how to get a hold of you from there, but I'll figure it out...

  2. sawabona! what did u have for breakfast? if there's anything interesting "zimmernish" be sure to take a picture. also, don't see the you tube link...
    sala kahle backatcha!

  3. this is lovely... of course seeing giraffes up close is nothing new for you. hee heeeeee heee.
